UWIST psychology Graduates & Alumni_CARDIFF


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Facebook Splott Poly,UWIST graduates occupational psychology cardiff university Applied social psychology Uwist cardiff univesity Ginny blakely uwist psychology cardiff university kate osborne ed marshall sue baker uwist psychology cardiff university Alison Tye uwist cardiff university psychology Diana Simpson uwist psychology Anthony Doyle psychology cardiff university tony doyle uwist psychology Dr Francis Wade uwist psychology cardiff university Dr Susan Lindsay uwist psychology cardiff university UWIST Robert slater rob slater uwist psychology cardiff university uwist Jacqueline Steadmon-Taylor cardiff university uwist charles jackson uwist Dr Mike Smith cardiff psychology uwist noel sheehy uwist oona Hartnet UWIST psychology tony chapman professor aj chapman psychology charles mercer uwist psychology cardiff university charlie mercer UWIST Michelle Morgan psychology cardiff university HEYCOCK HALL psychology uwist Traherne hall cardiff unuiversity penylan don Wallis Professor Keith Duncan Dylan Jones UWIST Hugh Foot UWIST CARDIFF university ken Markham uwist UWIST aileen leach_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduatesUWIST aileen liu_PSYCHOLOGY cardiffUWIST alan ferris_PSYCHOLOGY universityUWIST alan cort_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST alan dowler_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduatesUWIST alan gorringe_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduatesUWIST alan williams_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates Traherne Hall UWIST alexandra gray_PSYCHOLOGY universityUWIST alex gray_PSYCHOLOGY universityUWIST alfred kober_PSYCHOLOGY cardiffUWIST alf kober_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST alison heggs_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduatesUWIST alison lewis_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduatesUWIST alison ochiltree_PSYCHOLOGY graduatesUWIST alison plackett_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduatesUWIST alison price_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduatesUWIST alison rhodes_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduatesUWIST alison starr_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST alison stott_PSYCHOLOGY cardiffUWIST alison trethewy_ psychology applied uwist graduatesUWIST alison walder_PSYCHOLOGY university applied uwist graduatesUWIST amanda jarman_ psychology cardiff universityUWIST amanda lillie_PSYCHOLOGY cardiffUWIST andrea hughes_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduatesUWIST andrew brown_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST andy brownPSYCHOLOGY cardiffUWIST andrew griffiths- psychology cardiff universityUWIST andy griffiths- psychology cardiff UWIST andrew jordan_PSYCHOLOGY graduates UWIST andy jordan_PSYCHOLOGY graduates UWIST andrew livingston_PSYCHOLOGY andy ivingston UWIST UWIST andrew marshall_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff andy marshall UWIST LLWYN Y GRANT UWIST andrew rix_PSYCHOLOGY university andy rix UWIST psychologyUWIST andrew roberts_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff andy roberts UWIST psychology cardiff university UWIST Traherne Hall UWISTadam sharp_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITYUWISTadrian bell_PSYCHOLOGY university LLWYN Y GRANT UWISTadrian britten _PSYCHOLOGY universityUWIST adrian harding _ PSYCHOLOGY cardiff-UWIST adrian lyth_psychology cardiff university-UWIST adrienne john_PSYCHOLOGY graduaates UWIST afedia kanellopula_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST andy bell_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates-UWIST andy tattersall_PSYCHOLOGY university-UWIST anita jane mitchell_PSYCHOLOGY cardiffUWIST anita kataria_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST anjana nathwani_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST ann(maude)irving_ PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST ann lewis james_PYCHOLOGY cardiff university-UWIST ann walters_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST anna brazier_ PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST anna farthing_ P SYCHOLOGY university wales-UWIST anna haywood_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST anna horadczuk_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST anne holden_PSYCHOLOGY university-UWIST anne learmonth_PYCHOLOGY cardiff-UWIST anne owen_PSYCHOLOGY university-UWIST annechien smith_PSYCHOLOGY graduates UWIST anne-marie ellis_ PSYCHOLOGY wales-UWIST annette birkins_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST anselm boyes_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST anthony clarke_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff tony clarke UWIST psychology-UWIST anthony mcgar_ PSYCHOLOGY university tony mcgr UWIST psychology-UWIST anthony smith_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates tony smith psychology-UWIST anthony tye_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff tony tye UWIST psychology-UWIST arlene seaborne_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST auderia melian Traherne Hall UWISTadam sharp_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITYUWISTadrian bell_PSYCHOLOGY university LLWYN Y GRANT UWISTadrian britten _PSYCHOLOGY universityUWIST adrian harding _ PSYCHOLOGY cardiff-UWIST adrian lyth_psychology cardiff university-UWIST adrienne john_PSYCHOLOGY graduaates UWIST afedia kanellopula_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST andy bell_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates-UWIST andy tattersall_PSYCHOLOGY university-UWIST anita jane mitchell_PSYCHOLOGY cardiffUWIST anita kataria_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST anjana nathwani_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST ann(maude)irving_ PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST ann lewis james_PYCHOLOGY cardiff university-UWIST ann walters_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST anna brazier_ PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST anna farthing_ P SYCHOLOGY university wales-UWIST anna haywood_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST anna horadczuk_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST anne holden_PSYCHOLOGY university-UWIST anne learmonth_PYCHOLOGY cardiff-UWIST anne owen_PSYCHOLOGY university-UWIST annechien smith_PSYCHOLOGY graduates UWIST anne-marie ellis_ PSYCHOLOGY wales-UWIST annette birkins_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST anselm boyes_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST anthony clarke_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff tony clarke UWIST psychology-UWIST anthony mcgar_ PSYCHOLOGY university tony mcgr UWIST psychology-UWIST anthony smith_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates tony smith psychology-UWIST anthony tye_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff tony tye UWIST psychology-UWIST arlene seaborne_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST auderia melian Traherne Hall conyingham_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST melian conyingham PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-Cardiff university psychology graduates-UWIST barbara hyett_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST barbara mitchell_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST batsho dambe_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST bernard ditjhalbi_PSYCHOLOGY university UWIST bernard levey_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff-UWIST bethan hughes_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates-UWIST betty lane_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST beverley cole_PSYCHOLOGY universityUWIST beverley lee_psychology graduates-UWIST beverley mason_ psychology applied uwist graduates-UWIST beverly thomas PSYCHOLOGY wales university-UWIST bill gall_ PSYCHOLOGY cardiff-UWIST blair mcclure_PSYCHOLOGY university graduates-UWIST boyd whitehead_ PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST brenda mclackland_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST brian garrett_PSYCHOLOGY wales graduates-applied uwist graduates psychology UWIST alison le bon psychology-UWIST bridget haines_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates-UWIST bronwen Traherne Hall ball_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST bruce anderson_psychology applied uwist graduates-UWIST bryony smith+PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates-UWIST carmen dreve_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST carol ann evans_ cardiff graduates psychology-UWIST carol bond_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST carol jones_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST carole bramson_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduatesWIST carole symonds_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST caroline anton- smith_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates-UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY-UWIST_caroline campbell_PSYCHOLOGY university-UWIST_caroline cooper+psychology cardiff-UWIST caroline parry_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST caroline riddell_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST carolyn edwards_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST carolyn gollop_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST carolyn oxenham_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff-UWIST catherine bowland_PSYCHOLOGY university cath bowland UWIST psychology-UWIST catherine Henderson_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff cath henderson UWIST UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY-UWIST catherine khorshidian PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST celia radice psychology cardiff graduates jak radice UWIST psychology-UWIST ceri evans psychology cardiff graduates-UWIST ceri jenkins psychology applied uwist graduates-UWIST charlotte cooklin_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates charlie cooklin psychology-UWIST chris ivory PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST christime hall PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates-UWIST christina maddocks PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST christine bundy psychology applied uwist graduates chris bundy uwist psychology-UWIST christine latty_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates-UWIST christine perry_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST christine willis_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates-UWIST christopher byers psychology cardiff graduates chris byers UWIST psychology-UWIST christopher corfe PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates chris corfe psychology-UWIST christopher jackson_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates chris jackson_UWIST-UWIST christopher kingsley_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates eliot kingsley_UWIST-UWIST christopher miles_ PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates-UWIST chris miles PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST christopher peace psychology cardiff chris peace UWIST psychology UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST christopher riley PSYCHOLOGY university cris riley UWIST psychology UWIST clair davies_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST claire richardson PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST clare flynn _Psychology cardiff graduates UWIST clare harrill_ PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST clare madden_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST clive newton_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university UWIST colin powell_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST crawford hollingworth_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST yim howell psychology applied uwist graduates UWIST cynthia yim howell_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST daniel robinson cardiff graduates PSYCHOLOGY UWIST daphne villander_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST david allen_PSYCHOLOGY university dave allen_PSYCHOLOGY uwist UWIST david boot_psychology cardiff applied uwist graduates dave boot psychology UWIST david burns_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates dave burns UWIST psychology UWIST david clifford_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates dave clifford psychology uwist UWIST david crump_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates dave crump uwist psychology UWIST david elias PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates dave elias UWIST david gerrard_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates dave gerrard uwist psychology UWIST david gurney_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates dave gurney uwist psychology UWIST david hornsey PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates dave hornseyuwist psychologyUWISTdavid hughes_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates dave hughes uwist psychology UWIST david jones_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates dave jones uwist psychology UWIST david laing PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates dave laing uwist psychologyUWIST david lee PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates dave lumsdon uwist psychology UWIST david lumsdon PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates dave lee uwist psychology UWIST david mullany PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates dave mullany uwist psychology UWIST david pratt PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates dave pratt uwist psychology UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST david rees PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates dave rees uwist psychology UWIST david reynolds_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates dave reynolds uwist psychology UWISTdavid roberts_PSYCHOLOGy cardiff university graduates dave roberts uwist psychology UWISTdavid robinson PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university raduates dave robinson uwist psychology UWIST david standbridge PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates dave standbridge uwist psychology UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST david thomas_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates dave thomas uwist psychology UWIST david thomas_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates dave thompson uwist psychology UWIST david thompson PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates dave uppington uwist psychology UWIST david uppington PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST dawn gaskell _PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST deborah burtenshaw PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates debby burteshaw psychology UWIST deborah merrifield_Psychology cardiff university graduates UWIST deborah dawson PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates debby dawson psychology UWIST_deborah lewis_ PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates debby lewis uwist psychology UWIST_deirdre bentley_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST_desmond knock PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_diana langdon_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_diane moody PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_dilwyn thomas_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_donya urwin PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST_doreen sansom_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST_dorothy martin+ PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_douglas green_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates dougie green uwist psychology UWIST_dylan jones_ PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates-UWIST_edmund bendelow_ cardiff university graduates psychology-UWIST_elaine reece_ PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_elaine stowell PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_elizabeth anne ward-smith _PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST_elizabeth cole_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_elizabeth dugmore_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates liz dugmore uwist psychology UWIST_elizabeth gregory_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates liz gregory uwist psychology UWIST_elizabeth macmin_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates liz macmin uwist psychology UWIST_elizabeth pritchard_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates liz reynolds uwist psychology UWIST_elizabeth reynolds_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates liz pritchard uwist psychology UWIST_elizabeth rozzer_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates liz rozzer uwist psychology UWIST_erica parry_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_ernest broks PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates ernie broks uwist psychology UWIST_esther czarnocha_ cardiff university graduates uwist applied psychology UWIST_fariba haynes_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_fay hendeson_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST_fiona fenton+PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_fiona harman PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_fiona leach_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_fiona marshall_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_frances tindall_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_frieda durham_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_gail rice_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_gail smith_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST_gareth williams_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_gaye parsons PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_gaynor langley_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_gemma russell_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates geoff simpson uwist psychology UWIST_geoffrey dowson_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates geoff dowson uwist psychology UWIST_geoffrey simpson_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_geoffrey smith _ PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_george keeley_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates geoff smith uwist psychology UWIST_georgina brown_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_gerald king_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_geraldine cable_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates gerry cable uwist psychology UWIST_geraldine swarbrick pSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST_gerrard davies_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_geunor pierce PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates gaynor pierce uwist psychology UWIST_gill brewer_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_giselle boucher_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_glenys rees_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_gloria myengwa_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST_gordon whelan_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_graham alun parry PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_graham brown_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_graham chamberlain_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduatesUWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST_graham spratt PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_grzegorz oles PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_gwennan thomas PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_gwyn rogers PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_hamish delves_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_hanafi norman PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_harry butterworth PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_hazel bowden PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_heather bridge_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates-UWIST_heather middleton PSYCHOLOGY cardiff-university graduates-UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY=UWIST_heather page PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_helen dobney PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_helen dobney _PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_helen eagle_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_helen muir_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST_helen parsons PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_helen ryan_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST_helen varney_ PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduatesUWIST_helen williams PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST_helen wistreich_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_henrietta stockley PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST_henry keys_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_hilary shelley_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST_huon walters_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university Traherne Hall graduates huw walters uwist psychology UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST_ian matheson PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST_ian rees_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_ian ronald tomkins PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST_idris hywel price PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduatesUWIST_idwal taylor_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST_inger simonson balmbra _PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates cardiff university graduates ingr balmbra uwist psychologyUWIST_ingrid milner_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_irene savva_PSYCHOLOGY UWIST_isabelle davies_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_jacqueline barrett_PSYCHOLOGY jackie barrett uwist psychology jacquie barrett UWIST_jacqueline bourbon_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates jacquie bourbon psychologyUWIST_jacqueline button_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates jackie button uwist psychologyapplied uwist graduates psychology cardiff uwist psychology jacquie button UWIST_jacqueline chandler_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates jackie chandler jacquie uwist UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST_jacqueline frankish_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates jacquie frankish jackie psychology UWIST_jacqueline gasson_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates jacquie gasson_jackie psychology UWIST_jacqueline saunders_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates jacquie saunders jackie psychology UWIST_jacqueline wood_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates jacquie wood jackie psychology UWIST_james collins_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates jim collins psychology UWIST_james downey_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates jim downey psychology UWIST_james oerton _PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates jim oerton psychologyUWIST_jane dykins_ PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_jane elias_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST_jane hilton_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_jane lewis_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST_jane olohan PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_jane Traherne Hall prince_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST_jane rudkin_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_jane salisbury PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST_jane strange_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_janet fulker_ PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST_janet hutchinson PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_janet smith_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST_janet stockton_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates jan stockton psychology UWIST_janet willoughby PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST_janice miller _PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates jan miller uwist- applied uwist graduates jan rees psychologyUWIST_jason perrins PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates psychologyUWIST_janicerees_PSYCHOLOGYUWIST_jayne davies_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST_jayne white)PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduatesUWIST_jean pickering_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST_jean wellington- bailey PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST_jeffrey watkins_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university graduates jeff watkins uwist psychologyUWIST_jenifer thomas_PSYCHOLOGY university graduates psychology jenny white uwist psychology UWIST_jennifer white PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology jeny thomas uwist psychology Traherne Hall UWIST_jenny bradley PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduatesUWIST_joan mcdonough_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST_joanna carton-kelly _ university graduate psychology jo carton-kelly uwist psychology UWIST_joanna kucharska_PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates jo kucharska uwist psychology UWIST_joanne corcoran _psychology applied uwist graduates jo corcoran uwist psychology UWIST_joanne hayes PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology jo hayes uwist psychology UWIST_joanne o'leary_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST_joanne roberts_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduatesUWIST_joanne wilkinson_PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST_john bill_PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST_john gregory_PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST_john haigh_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduatesUWIST_john johnson_PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST_john moore_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST_john murphy_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST_john staniforth_PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychologyUWIST_john wilson_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduatesUWIST_jon blend_ PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduatesUWIST_jonathanpease_PSYCHOLOGY universityUWIST_joseph beswick_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates joe bswick uwist psychologyUWIST_joseph gunning_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates joe gunning uwist psychology Traherne Hall UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITYUWIST_joseph kalinik_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates joe kalinik uwist psychology UWIST_joy phelps_PSYCHOLOGY cardiffUWIST_judith barker PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST_judith hurn _PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST_judith osborn PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST_judy ivil_PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST_julia craddock_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST_julia davies_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST_julia margaret russon PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates Cardiff university cardiff graduates UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST_julia shearn_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST_julia smart_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST_julian jones_PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST_julie evans_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST_julie pashley_ PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST_julie watkins_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST_julie williams_PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology HEYCOCK HALL UWIST_karen ehlert_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST_karen holmes PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST_karen lee_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduatesUWIST_karen lewis_PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychologyUWIST_karen lodge PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST_karen money PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST_karen scott PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST_karen stebbing PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST_karina phillips PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST_katherine law_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates kath law uwist psychology UWIST_katherine mayall PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology kate mayall uwist psychology UWIST_katherine williams PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates kath williams uwist psychology UWIST_katherine wykes PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology kath wykes uwist psychology UWIST_kathleen aley PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates kath aley uwist psychology UWIST_kathleen owen_PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology kath owen uwist psychology UWIST PSYCHOLOGY_ kathryn blakemore cardiff kath blakemore uwist psychology UWIST_keith biggin PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST keith horner_ psYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST kenneth hodgson PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST kenneth way_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff ken way SYCHOLOGY university graduate psychologyUWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST kerry jones_PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST kevin cooke_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduatesUWIST kevin david shears PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST kevin mckee_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST kevin porter_PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST kevin walker Traherne Hall PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST kim pandya PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST kim singer _PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST laraine griffiths PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST laraine linton PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates larry linton university graduate psychology uwist UWIST lekena moleko PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychologyUWIST leslie ainsworth PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychologyUWIST leslie rigby PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST linda bennett PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST linda heycock PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST linda rogers PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST linda speck PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST linda willmott PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST lindsey williams PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST linnet pearson PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST lisa carter PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST lisa gotch PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST lois hamon YCHOLOGY cardiff graduates Traherne HallUWIST louis smith PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST louise rosser PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST louise shrive PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST louise stredwick PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST lucean headen PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST lucinda briggs PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST lucy hewson PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST lydia zurak PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST lynda charles PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST lynda nicholas PSYCHOLOGY cardiffUWIST lynne williams PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology lyn williams PSYCHOLOGYuniversity graduate psychology UWIST madeleine swords PSYCHOLOGY cardiffUWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST malcolm whitaker PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST mandy barnett PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychologyUWIST mandy shearmon PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST marcus james PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST margaret toms PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST margaret williams PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST marie-louise barry PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST marion chester PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychologyUWIST marion jenkins PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST marjorie robinson PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST mark buller PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST mark hanson-kahn PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST mark livings_PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST mark redfern_PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology Traherne Hall UWIST mark short PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST mark tobin PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST martin mcareavey PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST mary goode PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST mary fletcher _PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST mary gallop PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST mary jones PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST mary lewis PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST maura kelly PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST maurice turner PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST maxine oliver PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST melanie preece PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST melanie stone PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST melanie the PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST melanie tindall PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST melvyn henderson PSYCHOLOGY cardiffUWIST merril davies PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST mervyn gribblePSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST michael admans PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST michael barnesPSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST michael barton PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST michael heard PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST michael komer PSYCHOLOGY cardiff mike komer university graduate psychology uwist UWIST michael larner PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates mike larner graduate psychology uwist UWIST michael macleary PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology mike macleary psychology uwist UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITYUWIST michael oldridge PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates mike oldridge psychology uwist UWIST michael robling PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology mike robling psychology uwistUWIST michael savage PSYCHOLOGY cardiff mike savage psychology uwist UWIST michael smith PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology mike smith psychology uwist UWIST michael white PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates mike white psychology uwist UWIST michelle eaton PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology mike eaton psychology uwist UWIST michelle lucas PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST moira kelly PSYCHOLOGY cardiff london UWIST mokgadi nteta PSYCHOLOGY cardiff Department appled psychology UWIST natalie wilkins PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST nathan hobbs PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST navraj matharu PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST neil bradley PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychologyUWIST neil middleton PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST neil palmer PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST neil samuel PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST nicholas ellings PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology nick ellings psychology uwist UWIST nicholas moffat PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates nick moffat psychology uwist UWIST nicholas pryer PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates nick prior psychology uwist UWIST nicola brodie PSYCHOLOGY cardiff nicky brodie psychology uwist UWIST nicolas charles george PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY Psychology graduates uwist UWIST nicolette scott _ PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates nicky scott psychology uwist UWIST nigel john bryant PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST nigel pritchard PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST nigel vaughan PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST nora mcclelland PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST obolokile galatlhwe PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST oonagh costello PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduatesUWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST owen hartop PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST padraig surlis PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST pak leong cheah PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST paramdeep dhody PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates paz psychology uwist UWIST patricia brown PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology UWIST patricia cole PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates pat cole psychology uwist UWIST patricia firth PSYCHOLOGY university graduate psychology pat firth psychology uwist UWIST patricia sheldrake PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates pat sheldrake psychology uwist UWIST patrick faulkner PSYCHOLOGY university graduate paddy cardiff sychologyuwistUWISTPSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST pau Traherne Hall l cruse PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST paul elson PSYCHOLOGY university graduate UWIST paul longland PSYCHOLOGY cardiff Traherne Hall john spencer maurice powell uwist psychology UWISTpaul macdonald Johnston PSYCHOLOGY university graduate Applied psychology cardiff paul johnston psychology uwist UWIST paul morgan PSYCHOLOGY cardiffUWIST paul mulholland PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST paul phillip _PSYCHOLOGY university graduate UWIST paul pimm PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST paul prior PSYCHOLOGY university graduateUWIST paul stephens PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST paul sutton PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST paul twynam PSYCHOLOGY university graduate UWIST paul weaver PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST paula howells PSYCHOLOGY university graduate UWIST paula russell PSYCHOLOGYcardiffUWIST paula wood PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST penelope thompson PSYCHOLOGY university penny thompson psychology uwist UWIST penelope buckbarrow PSYCHOLOGY cardiff penny buckbarrow psychology uwist UWIST penelope foord PSYCHOLOGY university penny foord psychology uwistUWIST penelope hathaway PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates penny hathaway psychology uwistUWIST peta morgan PSYCHOLOGY university graduate UWIST peter ashworth PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates pete ashworh psychology uwist UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST peter bendkowski psychology cardiff university UWIST peter browning PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST peter carcas PSYCHOLOGY cardiffUWIST peter crompton PSYCHOLOGY universityUWIST peter evans PSYCHOLOGYcardiff UWIST peter gregory PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST peter hyett PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST peter illsley PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST peter johnson PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff UWIST peter lock PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST peter lynePSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff UWIST peter makin PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST peter rhodes PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST peter ronald gillingham PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff Traherne Hallgraduates cardiff psychology UWIST peter schmidt PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff UWIST peter watkins PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff UWIST petrina brown PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff UWIST philip cridland PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff UWIST philip jones PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff UWIST philip ralley PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff UWIST philippa collins PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff UWIST philippa wilkinson PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST philippa wright PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff UWIST phillip tucker PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiffUWIST phyllis wright PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff UWIST rachel barnes PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST rachel may PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff UWIST rachel sutcliffe PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff UWIST ravindar kaur sorr PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff UWIST raymond davies PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff ray davies CARDIFF UNIVERSITY Department applied psychology cardiff UWIST rebecca judith collins_ psychology cardiff university UWIST rebecca thomas PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiffUWIST rhiannon evansPSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff UWIST rhonwen parry PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff UWIST riana griffiths PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff UWIST richard emslie PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST richard bendelow PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates cardiff UWIST richard boydell PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff UWIST richard down PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST richard hughes PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff UWIST richard pates PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff UWIST richard scaife PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff UWIST rita harris PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff UWIST rita lewis PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff UWIST robert buckingham PSYCHOLOGY cardiff bob buckingham uwist psychology UWIST robert cummins PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff bob cummins uwist psychology UWIST robert davies PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff bob davies uwist psychologyUWIST robert hockley PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff bob hockley uwist psychology UWIST robert john lucas PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff john lucas psychology uwist UWIST robert john lummis PSYCHOLOGY graduates cardiff john lummis psychology uwist bob lummis UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST robert johnson PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates bob johnson uwist psychology UWIST robert johnston PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates bob johnston uwist psychology UWIST robert jones PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates bob jones uwist psychology UWIST robert mason PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates bob mason uwist psychology UWIST robert williams PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates bob williams uwist psychology UWIST robyn davies PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates rob davies uwist psychology UWIST roger bartholomew PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST roger thomson PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST roman raczka PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST ronald eric pickering PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates eric pickering uwist psychology ron pickering LLWYN Y GRANT TERRACE PENYLAN CARDIFF UWIST rosalind anne lewis psychology cardiff university applied uwist graduates anne lewis uwist psychology ros lewis UWIST roselyne williams PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates roz williams uwist psychologyUWIST rosemaire leaf PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates rose leaf uwist psychology UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITYUWIST rosemary amos PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates rose amos uwist psychology UWIST rosemary scottPSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates rose scott uwist psychology UWIST roy clarke PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST roy rhodes PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST rupert burton PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST ruth evans PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST ruth ford PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST ruth hawkins PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST ruth shortland PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST ruth williams PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST sabine meigh PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST sadie mcnab PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST sally grove PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST sally haigh PSYCHOLOGY cardiffUWIST sally smith PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts HEYCOCK HALL ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST sally taylor PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST sandford mulundika PSYCHOLOGY cardiffUWIST sandra bassett PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST sandra harrison PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST sara wanstall PSYCHOLOGY_cardiff university UWIST sarah brant PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST sarah charles PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST sarah hughes PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST sarah ivory PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST sarah palethorpe PSYCHOLOGY cardiffUWIST sarah pitel PSYCHOLOGY cardiff university UWIST sarah skelly PSYCHOLOGYcardiff UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST shanta chellappoo PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST sharmaine casoojee PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST sharon gracey PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST sharon longcroft PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST sharon murphy PSYCHOLOGY cardiffUWIST sheila bobbett PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST sheila wetton PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST sheridan morris PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST shirley ace PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST shirley bardon PSYCHOLOGY cardiffUWIST shirley reynolds PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST sian bowen PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST sian lloyd PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST simon charles blandford PSYCHOLOGY cardiffUWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST siriol david PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST sonya gatfield PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST sophia bird PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST stanislawa labuc PSYCHOLOGY cardiff UWIST stephen coates _psychology cardiff UWIST stephen collier PSYCHOLOGYcardiff steve collier uwist psychologyUWIST stephen evans SYCHOLOGY cardiff steve evans uwist psychology UWIST stephen fisher PSYCHOLOGY cardiff steve fisher uwist psychology UWIST stephen hawke PSYCHOLOGY cardiff steve hawke uwist psychology UWIST stephen kingan PSYCHOLOGY cardiff steve kingan uwist psychology UWIST stephen kinzett PSYCHOLOGY cardiff steve kinzett uwist psychologyUWIST stephen michael wilkinson PSYCHOLOGY cardiff steve wilkinson uwist psychology mike wilkinsoncardiff graduates uwist alison le bon UWIST stephen russell-lacy PSYCHOLOGY cardiff steve russell-lacy uwist psychology UWIST stephen ryan PSYCHOLOGY cardiff steve ryan uwist psychology UWIST stephen truelove PSYCHOLOGY cardiff steve truelove uwist psychology UWIST stephen williams PSYCHOLOGY cardiff steve williams uwist psychology UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST steven balmbra PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates steve balmra uwist psychology UWIST steven green PSYCHOLOGY applied uwist graduates UWIST steven james PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates steve james uwist psychology UWIST steven killick PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates steve killick uwist psychologyUWIST stuart watkins PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduatesUWIST suet-mui rosemary lee PSYCHOLOGY_CARDIFF UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST sui mee chan PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST susan dolby PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates sue dolby uwist psychology UWIST susan edwards PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates sue edwards uwist psychology UWIST susan evans TWIZZ psychology cardiff graduates UWIST susan henstock PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates sue henstock uwist psychology UWIST susan jewel PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates sue jewel uwist psychology UWIST susan kingdom psychology cardiff university sue kingdom uwist psychologyUWIST susan lane PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates sue lane uwist psychology UWIST susan palmer PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates sue palmer uwist psychology UWIST susan pickles PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates sue pickles uwist psychology UWIST susan powrie PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates sue powrie uwist psychology UWIST susan watts PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates sue watts uwist psychology UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST suzanne balabil PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST suzanne trewavas psychology cardiff university UWIST sze hoo chan PSYCHOLOGY HEYCOCK HALL cardiff graduates UWIST tessa rae tanner PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST thomas coleman psychology cardiff university UWIST thomas young PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST timothy edwards psychology CARDIFF tim edwards uwist psychology UWIST timothy etherton psychology cardiff graduates tim etherton uwist psychology UWIST timothy kemp PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates tim kemp uwist psychology UWIST tony davies PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST trevor david pearce psychology cardiff university+ UWIST valerie watkins psychology cardiff university val watkins uwist psychology UWIST valerie wilcox PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates val wilcox uwist psychology UWIST vicki clark PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST victor besch PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates vick besch uwist psychology UWIST viictoria baker PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates vikky baker uwist psychologyUWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST virginia mortimer CARDIFF psychology UWIST vivien shaw PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY UWIST wendy burgess PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST wendy hallam PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST william coombs PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates bill coombs uwist psychology UWIST william sewell PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates bill sewell uwist psychology UWIST winifred haslam PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST yianoulla robertson PSYCHOLOGY HAYES CARDIFF PSYCHOLOGY UWIST yue wah chayPSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST yulie lee PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST zenoubia kazi PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates University of wales graduates UWIST alan greaves PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST alison herriot PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST alison hunt PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST andrew tomlinson psychology cardiff graduates andy tomlinson uwist psychology HEYCOCK HALLUWIST donna schelewa- davies PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates University of wales cardiff graduates UWIST elizabeth manville PsYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates liz manville uwist psychology UWIST emma goldthorpe PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST estelle jones PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST julie todd PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST lisa english PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates UWIST mathew robertson psychology cardiff graduates HEYCOCK HALL UWIST robert evans PSYCHOLOGY cardiff graduates bob evans uwist psychology UWIST sian soteriou PSYCHOLOGY_cardiff universityUWIST PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATES contacts ALUMNI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY alec gill_UWIST psychology cardiff post grad HEYCOCK HALL Alison Tye UWIST psychology cardiff post gradann turner UWIST psychology cardiff post grad catherine mccall_UWIST psychology cardiff post grad craig reiersen dr UWIST psychology cardiff post grad david morrison dr UWIST psychology cardiff post grad david oborne prof UWIST psychology cardiff post grad deborah lambert UWIST psychology cardiff post grad Diana Simpson _UWIST psychology cardiff post grad dominic clark UWIST psychology cardiff post grad graham spratt UWIST psychology cardiff post grad graham spratt UWIST psychology cardiff post grad j laird evans UWIST psychology cardiff post grad cardiff university applied psychology 1970 1971 1972 UWIST graduates psychology cardiff university occupational psychology1973 1974 1975 UWIST psychology graduates cardiff1977 1978 UWIST psychology graduates 1979 1980 1981 UWIST psychology graduates cardiff university cardiff university_graduatesUWIST psychology 1986 1987 psychology graduates UWIST psychology graduates UWIST cardiff university graduates UWIST 1988 1989 1990 psychology graduates 1991 cardiff university jenny butler prof_UWIST psychology cardiff post grad john brooke UWIST psychology cardiff post grad john gallagher UWIST psychology cardiff post grad kieran coyle UWIST psychology cardiff post grad michael west prof_UWIST psychology cardiff post grad regina h maciel UWIST psychology cardiff post grad HEYCOCK HALL rowena edmondson UWIST psychology cardiff post grad stephen barber UWIST psychology cardiff post grad steven barber UWIST psychology cardiff post gradsusan baker dr UWIST psychology cardiff post grad sue baker uwist psychology tim auburn_ UWIST psychology cardiff post grad HEYCOCK HALL psychology LLWYN Y GRANT PENYLAN CARDIFF